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3 articles
Folio Extension 🆒
Unlock the full potential of your story and keep your product digital life organized with Folio extension.
4 articles
Guided Step🌟
Pop-up Step is a type of interactive element in web design that appears suddenly on a webpage to catch the attention of the user and encourage them to take a specific action.
2 articles
Edit Core Template✏️
Allows users to easily enhance and customize their content with a user-friendly interface, making it the perfect solution for anyone looking to improve the visual appeal of their content.
4 articles
Edit HTML Template✏️
Design to help users easily modify and enhance their website content, providing a hassle-free solution for anyone looking to optimize the user experience.
3 articles
Customize & Share Demos📃
Customize Demos offer comprehensive and customizable demonstrations that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of clients, providing a unique and personalized experience that sets them apart from competitors.
8 articles
Team Management 👥
Effective team management motivates a group of individuals to work together cohesively towards a common goal, resulting in improved productivity and overall success.
6 articles
Insight data provides valuable and actionable information from demo view tracking, and help to close more deals through customer lead.
2 articles
Integration is the seamless and efficient merging of disparate systems or processes, resulting in enhanced productivity, streamlined workflows, and improved user experiences.
4 articles
Provide quick answers to some common issues.
9 articles
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